

<?php#==================================================================================================# Filename: /db/db_mysqli.php# Note : 连接数据库类,MySQLi版#==================================================================================================#[类库sql]class db_mysqli{ var $query_count = 0; var $host; var $user; var $pass; var $data; var $conn; var $result; var $prefix = "qinggan_"; //返回结果集类型,默认是数字+字符 var $rs_type = MYSQLI_ASSOC; var $query_times = 0;#[查询时间] var $conn_times = 0;#[连接数据库时间] var $unbuffered = false; //定义查询列表 var $querylist; var $debug = false; #[构造函数] function __construct($config=array()) { $this->host = $config['host'] ? $config['host'] : 'localhost'; $this->port = $config['port'] ? $config['port'] : '3306'; $this->user = $config['user'] ? $config['user'] : 'root'; $this->pass = $config['pass'] ? $config['pass'] : ''; $this->data = $config['data'] ? $config['data'] : ''; $this->debug = $config["debug"] ? $config["debug"] : false; $this->prefix = $config['prefix'] ? $config['prefix'] : 'qinggan_'; if($this->data) {  $ifconnect = $this->connect($this->data);  if(!$ifconnect)  {  $this->conn = false;  return false;  } } return true; } #[兼容php4] function db_mysqli($config=array()) { return $this->__construct($config); } #[连接数据库] function connect($database="") { $start_time = $this->time_used(); if(!$this->port) $this->port = "3306"; $this->conn = @mysqli_connect($this->host,$this->user,$this->pass,"",$this->port) or false; if(!$this->conn) {  return false; } $version = $this->get_version(); if($version>"4.1") {  mysqli_query($this->conn,"SET NAMES 'utf8'");  if($version>"5.0.1")  {  mysqli_query($this->conn,"SET sql_mode=''");  } } $end_time = $this->time_used(); $this->conn_times += round($end_time - $start_time,5);#[连接数据库的时间] $ifok = $this->select_db($database); return $ifok ? true : false; } function select_db($data="") { $database = $data ? $data : $this->data; if(!$database) {  return false; } $this->data = $database; $start_time = $this->time_used(); $ifok = mysqli_select_db($this->conn,$database); if(!$ifok) {  return false; } $end_time = $this->time_used(); $this->conn_times += round($end_time - $start_time,5);#[连接数据库的时间] return true; } #[关闭数据库连接,当您使用持续连接时该功能失效] function close() { if(is_resource($this->conn)) {  return mysqli_close($this->conn); } else {  return true; } } function __destruct() { return $this->close(); } function set($name,$value) { if($name == "rs_type") {  $value = strtolower($value) == "num" ? MYSQLI_NUM : MYSQLI_ASSOC; } $this->$name = $value; } function query($sql) { if(!is_resource($this->conn)) {  $this->connect(); } else {  if(!mysql_ping($this->conn))  {   $this->close();   $this->connect();  } } if($this->debug) {  $sqlkey = md5($sql);  if($this->querylist)  {  $qlist = array_keys($this->querylist);  if(in_array($sqlkey,$qlist))  {   $count = $this->querylist[$sqlkey]["count"] + 1;   $this->querylist[$sqlkey] = array("sql"=>$sql,"count"=>$count);  }else{   $this->querylist[$sqlkey] = array("sql"=>$sql,"count"=>1);  }  }  else{  $this->querylist[$sqlkey] = array("sql"=>$sql,"count"=>1);  } } $start_time = $this->time_used(); $func = $this->unbuffered && function_exists("mysqli_multi_query") ? "mysqli_multi_query" : "mysqli_query"; $this->result = @$func($this->conn,$sql); $this->query_count++; $end_time = $this->time_used(); $this->query_times += round($end_time - $start_time,5);#[查询时间] if(!$this->result) {  return false; } return $this->result; } function get_all($sql="",$primary="") { $result = $sql ? $this->query($sql) : $this->result; if(!$result) {  return false; } $start_time = $this->time_used(); $rs = array(); $is_rs = false; while($rows = mysqli_fetch_array($result,$this->rs_type)) {  if($primary && $rows[$primary])  {  $rs[$rows[$primary]] = $rows;  }  else  {  $rs[] = $rows;  }  $is_rs = true; } $end_time = $this->time_used(); $this->query_times += round($end_time - $start_time,5);#[查询时间] return ($is_rs ? $rs : false); } function get_one($sql="") { $start_time = $this->time_used(); $result = $sql ? $this->query($sql) : $this->result; if(!$result) {  return false; } $rows = mysqli_fetch_array($result,$this->rs_type); $end_time = $this->time_used(); $this->query_times += round($end_time - $start_time,5);#[查询时间] return $rows; } function insert_id($sql="") { if($sql) {  $rs = $this->get_one($sql);  return $rs; } else {  return mysqli_insert_id($this->conn); } } function insert($sql) { $this->result = $this->query($sql); $id = $this->insert_id(); return $id; } function all_array($table,$condition="",$orderby="") { if(!$table) {  return false; } $table = $this->prefix.$table; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$table; if($condition && is_array($condition) && count($condition)>0) {  $sql_fields = array();  foreach($condition AS $key=>$value)  {  $sql_fields[] = "`".$key."`='".$value."' ";  }  $sql .= " WHERE ".implode(" AND ",$sql_fields); } if($orderby) {  $sql .= " ORDER BY ".$orderby; } $rslist = $this->get_all($sql); return $rslist; } function one_array($table,$condition="") { if(!$table) {  return false; } $table = $this->prefix.$table; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$table; if($condition && is_array($condition) && count($condition)>0) {  $sql_fields = array();  foreach($condition AS $key=>$value)  {  $sql_fields[] = "`".$key."`='".$value."' ";  }  $sql .= " WHERE ".implode(" AND ",$sql_fields); } $rslist = $this->get_one($sql); return $rslist; } //将数组写入数据中 function insert_array($data,$table,$insert_type="insert") { if(!$table || !is_array($data) || !$data) {  return false; } $table = $this->prefix.$table;//自动增加表前缀 if($insert_type == "insert") {  $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$table; } else {  $sql = "REPLACE INTO ".$table; } $sql_fields = array(); $sql_val = array(); foreach($data AS $key=>$value) {  $sql_fields[] = "`".$key."`";  $sql_val[] = "'".$value."'"; } $sql.= "(".(implode(",",$sql_fields)).") VALUES(".(implode(",",$sql_val)).")"; return $this->insert($sql); } //更新数据 function update_array($data,$table,$condition) { if(!$data || !$table || !$condition || !is_array($data) || !is_array($condition)) {  return false; } $table = $this->prefix.$table;//自动增加表前缀 $sql = "UPDATE ".$table." SET "; $sql_fields = array(); foreach($data AS $key=>$value) {  $sql_fields[] = "`".$key."`='".$value."'"; } $sql.= implode(",",$sql_fields); $sql_fields = array(); foreach($condition AS $key=>$value) {  $sql_fields[] = "`".$key."`='".$value."' "; } $sql .= " WHERE ".implode(" AND ",$sql_fields); return $this->query($sql); } function count($sql="") { if($sql) {  $this->rs_type = MYSQLI_NUM;  $this->query($sql);  $rs = $this->get_one();  $this->rs_type = MYSQLI_ASSOC;  return $rs[0]; } else {  return mysqli_num_rows($this->result); } } function num_fields($sql="") { if($sql) {  $this->query($sql); } return mysqli_num_fields($this->result); } function list_fields($table) { $rs = $this->get_all("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".$table); if(!$rs) {  return false; } foreach($rs AS $key=>$value) {  $rslist[] = $value["Field"]; } return $rslist; } #[显示表名] function list_tables() { $rs = $this->get_all("SHOW TABLES"); return $rs; } function table_name($table_list,$i) { return $table_list[$i]; } function escape_string($char) { if(!$char) {  return false; } return mysqli_escape_string($this->conn,$char); } function get_version() { return mysqli_get_server_info($this->conn); } function time_used() { $time = explode(" ",microtime()); $used_time = $time[0] + $time[1]; return $used_time; } //Mysql的查询时间 function conn_times() { return $this->conn_times + $this->query_times; } //MySQL查询资料 function conn_count() { return $this->query_count; } # 高效SQL生成查询,仅适合单表查询 function phpok_one($tbl,$condition="",$fields="*") { $sql = "SELECT ".$fields." FROM ".$this->db->prefix.$tbl; if($condition) {  $sql .= " WHERE ".$condition; } return $this->get_one($sql); } function debug() { if(!$this->querylist || !is_array($this->querylist) || count($this->querylist) < 1) {  return false; } $html = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#CECECE"><tr><td>'; $html.= '<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%">'; $html.= '<tr><th bgcolor="#EFEFEF" height="30px">SQL</th><th bgcolor="#EFEFEF" width="80px">查询</th></tr>'; foreach($this->querylist AS $key=>$value) {  $html .= '<tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div style="padding:3px;color:#6E6E6E;">'.$value['sql'].'</div></td>';  $html .= '<td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div style="padding:3px;color:#000000;">'.$value["count"].'</div></td></tr>'; } $html.= "</table>"; $html.= "</td></tr></table>"; return $html; } function conn_status() { if(!$this->conn) return false; return true; }}?>

