20个非常棒的Jquery实用工具 国外文章

1. Real Person jQuery Plugin

2. Search And Share

3. FancyPlayer jQuery Fancybox and Flowplayer Integration

4. Speeding up Google Analytics load times with jQuery

5. Price Format jQuery Plugin

6. jTruncate Text Truncation for jQuery

7. Slide Top Panel jQuery Plugin

8. xLazyLoader

9. Side Navigation Tooltip or Popup Bubble

10. Virtual jQuery Keyboard

11. Timeago

Timeago is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. “4 minutes ago” or “about 1 day ago”).

12. jsTree jQuery Plugin

13. jQuote

14. Time Picker jQuery Plugin

15. BigTarget jQuery Plugin

16. prettyPopin jQuery Plugin

17. ShortKeys jQuery Plugin

18. Ajax Fancy Captcha jQuery Plugin

19. Ajaxify jQuery Plugin

20. Favorite Rating with jQuery and Ajax


JavaScript技术20个非常棒的Jquery实用工具 国外文章,转载需保留来源!
